Business Plans

$US 1.00
A fairly comprehensive template to assist businesses with the development and documentation of a Business Plan. How to create a Business Plan Clearly identify the readers of this document.  Then write the plan in a style that is easily understood by reade..
$US 0.00
This Business Case Template covers describing the proposed investment, the evaluation process undertaken, the consideration of options, financial analysis including budget impact, risk analysis, implementation plan, communications plan and post implementation review.. ..
$US 1.00
This template will assist businesses to document details of the Business Case including the options analysis that has been undertaken, the financial impacts and funding, and the post implementation review process. Here is an example of the contents of a Business Case docu..
$US 1.00
This template is designed to assist with documentation and tracking of the benefits to be realized from an associated Business Case. Business projects are undertaken to deliver benefits. However, they are frequently criticised for failing to deliver all or some of tho..
$US 0.00
This template is designed to accommodate situations where only a very basic amount of information is required to put forward a Business Case. It would typically only be used for small initiatives where the risks are very low.       ..
$US 4.00
A reasonably comprehensive template to assist businesses to develop a Business Case. Useful link (Tech Republic) on developing an IT business case   ..
$US 1.00
A useful template to document the identified business risks of an organization. This template has been populated with data for a ficticious company. ..
$US 1.00
A handy spreadsheet to assist with the tracking and monitoring of business benefits to be realised from a Business Case.   ..
$US 1.00
This is an Agreement designed to allocate shares to Directors or employees in a private company. It is pretty comprehensive yet easy to understand. It is a good starting point for anyone who is extending shares to their Directors or employees.   ..
Business Plans